Market identification & Marketing Support ( MIMS )

Market identification & Marketing Support ( MIMS )

Market Identification

We help the various pharma corporates in market identification and market entry,

The following services are rendered after market identification

  • Product identification
  • Finalization of importer / distributor
  • Preparation of Dossier
  • Filling dossier and ensuring registration
  • Hand holding for business development

Marketing Support:

We pioneer in contract promotion and sales support in the FWA countries. Our clients prefer to outsource their promotional activities in order to focus on their core competencies. We are well positioned to optimize their profitability by developing and executing innovative, fine-tuned and highly effective sales strategies.

Whether you are looking for sales team deployment or integrated promotion and sales support, we are your leading solutions provider.

  • Flexible and cost-effective sales teams’ solution
  • Market & Sales data analysis
  • KOL relationship development program
  • Training and development

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