About Us

About Us

VITACURA is an Export Oriented Pharmaceutical Company. VITACURA group of companies comprises of VITACURA Pharmaceuticals, LASO Healthcare pvt.ltd and VITACURA OTC. We offer a wide range of formulation in various forms such as Capsules, Tablets, Powder, Liquid Oral, Gels, Creams, Ointments, and lnjectables.

VITACURA offers products in following therapeutic segments. (Neutraceutical, Anti- Malarial, Anti- bacterial, Anti-Diarrheal, Anti-fungal, Analgesics / NSAIDS, Anti- allergics and cough formulations, Anti-diabetic, Antihypertensives and OTC products). VITACURA endures consistent efforts to provide safe, effective and reliable pharmaceutical products to our customers.


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